Below is the image in its original context as derived from the page
Below is the image in its original context as derived from the page:
Below is the image in the original context as derived from the page:
Knock. Knock. There is a rapping on the toilet door.
WIFE: “honey, what’s taking you too long? you’ve been inside for over an hour.”
HUSBAND: “I’m reading the morning paper, hon.”
WIFE: “but hon, I have the morning paper right here.”
HUSBAND: “eeerrr, I’m catching up on yesterday’s paper, hon”
WIFE: “didn’t I use those to pick up Rinty’s leavings at the park?”
HUSBAND: “ehem, what’s with the big inquisition, darl, can’t a guy shit in peace anymore?”
WIFE: “you are jerking off again, you asshole, why don’t you bring that out here where it can be useful.”
HUSBAND: “no good, you don’t look like Jessica Simpson anymore, hon”
WIFE: “well, you don’t look like some Brad Pitt either, you jerk”
HUSBAND: “at least, I don’t wanna fuck me, he he”
WIFE: “what do you call what you are doing in there,asshole, isn’t that fucking yourself?”
HUSBAND: “no way, I’m holding up Maxim with Jessica on the cover.”
WIFE: “okay, suit yourself. I’m driving over to Montgomery Road in my undies and pick me up a nice black hunk piece of ass.”
HUSBAND: “wait, stop, once you taste black you are never coming back.”
WIFE: “not true too, how come Nicole Kidman bounced right back after Lenny Kravitz?”
HUSBAND: “that doesn’t count, he’s got a German name.”
WIFE: “so what gives about Germans?”
HUSBAND: “krauts got small peckers.”
WIFE: “where in the world did you get that?’
HUSBAND: “why do you think they eat sausages so much?”
WIFE: “why?”
HUSBAND: “they think eating phallic symbols will make their teeny links grow to big wieners.”
WIFE: “so you really don’t want to see me go, hon?”
Toilet door opens and sweaty husband steps out.
HUSBAND: “yeah, yeah, but clean up the toilet first, it’s muggy in there.”
WIFE: “honey, what’s taking you too long? you’ve been inside for over an hour.”
HUSBAND: “I’m reading the morning paper, hon.”
WIFE: “but hon, I have the morning paper right here.”
HUSBAND: “eeerrr, I’m catching up on yesterday’s paper, hon”
WIFE: “didn’t I use those to pick up Rinty’s leavings at the park?”
HUSBAND: “ehem, what’s with the big inquisition, darl, can’t a guy shit in peace anymore?”
WIFE: “you are jerking off again, you asshole, why don’t you bring that out here where it can be useful.”
HUSBAND: “no good, you don’t look like Jessica Simpson anymore, hon”
WIFE: “well, you don’t look like some Brad Pitt either, you jerk”
HUSBAND: “at least, I don’t wanna fuck me, he he”
WIFE: “what do you call what you are doing in there,asshole, isn’t that fucking yourself?”
HUSBAND: “no way, I’m holding up Maxim with Jessica on the cover.”
WIFE: “okay, suit yourself. I’m driving over to Montgomery Road in my undies and pick me up a nice black hunk piece of ass.”
HUSBAND: “wait, stop, once you taste black you are never coming back.”
WIFE: “not true too, how come Nicole Kidman bounced right back after Lenny Kravitz?”
HUSBAND: “that doesn’t count, he’s got a German name.”
WIFE: “so what gives about Germans?”
HUSBAND: “krauts got small peckers.”
WIFE: “where in the world did you get that?’
HUSBAND: “why do you think they eat sausages so much?”
WIFE: “why?”
HUSBAND: “they think eating phallic symbols will make their teeny links grow to big wieners.”
WIFE: “so you really don’t want to see me go, hon?”
Toilet door opens and sweaty husband steps out.
HUSBAND: “yeah, yeah, but clean up the toilet first, it’s muggy in there.”